Inner School

The Inner School is the Primary vehicle of Sufi training and education for initiates of the Inayatiyya. Training in the inner school is provided through various avenues comprising primarily of Events and interactive Online classes with The Inner Schools designated teacher. In the classes, initiates study the works of Hazrat Inayat Khan which also includes time for reflection and the opportunity to share what parts have become meaningful to you or have touched the depths of your heart in some way. Included also in the inner school is the Two-year curriculum of the Suluk Acadamy.

Current Schedule & Information on activities and opportunities of The Inner school in Australia

Current Online Inner School Classes with Karima.

Themed Class: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month- 7pm NSW for one hour

Gatha Class: 3rd Sunday of each month- 10am NSW for 90 minutes

Monthly Study Groups (different volumes): Group 1: 4th Saturday of the month 3pm NSW for 90 minutes

Group 2: 1st Sunday of the month- 10am NSW for 90 minutes.

The Lead for The Inner School in Australia is Karima For information on Events of The Inner School activity please contact Karima here.

About Karima

Karima Hilary Parkinson has been blessed to live next to a nature reserve and near the ocean in Newcastle on the east coast of the vast land of Australia. She engages in the music of life in many different ways including being active in the Inayatiyya Sufi community which is very spread out across the continent, as well as being happily involved with family near and far which includes grandchildren ranging in age from seven months to 30 years.